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» Home » Sports Events » in Pamplona Bull Run! in Pamplona Bull Run!

» View Photo Gallery continues the tradition of running with the bulls in 2006. The online casino has made the run every year Since 2004. That?s when Dennis Rodman ran with the bulls to raise money for MS. This year there were many t-shirts to be seen in the crowds at the annual event. All you have to do is take a look at the extensive photo gallery on this page.

The origins of the bull running are lost in the mists of time, but there are mentions of it from as far back as the 13th and 14th Centuries. The Bull Run, also known as Encierro, involves running in front of bulls down an 1/2 mile stretch of cobbled streets of a section of the old town of Pamplona. The biggest day is July 7th, when thousands of people accompany the effigy of Saint Fermin along the streets of Pamplona. Each morning's event starts at 8 a.m. with competitors are wearing all white, with a red bandana tied about their necks and a red sash tied around their waist. The runners gather in an area at the beginning of the route called Cuesta de Santo Domingo, where they sing an ode before a statue of San Fermin placed in a niche in a wall there: "We ask San Ferm?n, as our Patron, to guide us through the Bull Run and give us his blessing." Anyone who survives a close encounter with panicky bull is said to have been protected by San Fermin's cloak.

Setting the standard in marketing creativity, has devised some of the most exciting and outrageous advertising campaigns in the past few years. Recently, items such as the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Britney Spears? Pregnancy Test, and Pope Benedict XVI?s previously-owned VW Golf have garnered extensive worldwide media attention for the casino.

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Comments on this event
On August 22nd, 2006 at 2:49 PM MS Sufferer said:

Where the hell is Ray Sabbatini????

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