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Danny Green fights for again!

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It was a raucous evening of boxing at Challenge Stadium in Perth , Western Australia tonight as Danny Green successfully negotiated the final obstacles which stood in the path of his super fight next year.

In front of his parochial hometown crowd, Green threw everything but the kitchen sink at tough Kirino Garcia, but try as he might he could not floor the rugged Mexican. Nevertheless, he pitched a 100-90 shutout on all three of the judges scorecards, and looked impressive in his only his second fight under new trainer, Cuban Ismael Salas. Showing a stiff jab, and improved handspeed, Green scored with hard combinations throughout the bout, and looked to have Garcia worried on several occasions. After the fight Danny addressed the fans on the announcer's microphone and urged the capacity crowd to give his arch rival Mundine a hostile reception.

They did just that, treating "The Man" to one of the most xenophobic crowds I've ever been a part of. You know that a man is truly despised when an Australian crowd starts cheering wildly for a NEW ZEALANDER, as Mundine's opponent Rico Chong Nee was. Just before the first bell, Green, freshly changed, made his way to ringside and Anthony, who spotted this, hurled some abuse from the ring apron - WWF style.

Mundine started aggressively, stinging Chong Nee with some sharp right hands. Halfway through the first round, Chong Nee's left eye began to swell and close. The crowd made it's feelings known by chanting "Mundine's a wanker.", a mantra repeated throughout the brief bout. By the beginning of the third Rico's eye was shut completely and "The Man" seized his opportunity. With lightning speed he thudded three thunderous right hands into his opponents head and he collapsed onto his knees.

Though he tried gamely, he could not beat referee Brad Vocale's count. The official time given for the stoppage was the three minute mark of the third round. During the count, Mundine hurled more abuse to Green at ringside, before jumping up on one of the corner posts for a fist pumping celebration. This was cut dramatically short when Mundine's manager, Khoder Nasser grabbed him and ushered him out of the ring. Then, surrounded by security personnel, they sprinted for the dressing room as cans and bottles rained down on them.

With the victories, both Green and Mundine pave the way for the battle known as "The Man vs The Machine" to take place early in 2006. Given the genuine animosity that exists between the two men, this is one fight you don't want to miss.


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Comments on this event
On February 16th, 2006 at 10:43 PM goldengirl said:

way to go gpc.......... i love boxing.........

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