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View the eBay Auction. has purchased the opportunity to advertise on a bus in Reno, Nevada! For $50.00 a month, the online casino will have an ad placed on the bus, for a full year, that travels in and around Reno every day. The seller puts it best: ?My mother is wheelchair bound and can't walk anymore. This bus is her only mode of transportation. Her mind is very active and her body isn't. She needs the heavy duty lift onboard this bus to get around and likes to get out almost every day and go gambling in downtown Reno Nevada. The problem is this bus drinks gasoline like most guys drink beer! This is where YOU come in. You advertise on my bus and get seen on the streets of Reno Nevada. She gets the money from your advertising and fills the bus with gas. She now drives around more and you get seen more. EVERYBODY WINS!?

This sounds like a great advertising opportunity for, and a great way to help someone continue to enjoy their life as much as possible! The online casino has advertised on other vehicles, including the M.E.S.O. Stormchasing Hummer, a bunch of cars as they were filmed being driven off a cliff, a Segway personal transportation device, and a wheelchair to name but a few. With these vehicles and all the people walking around with tattooed on their bodies, it?s no wonder they?re the #1 Online Casino! Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for a tattoo or vehicle ad near you, and remember to keep your browser tuned to this site for all the latest events news!

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Comments on this event
On November 07th, 2006 at 4:10 AM A.Torres said:

Right On GP, I am happy you made this lady day, and a reason to keep her spirts going. I made alot of use out of my advertisement for you, and still get stopped when I go out. When I was out in Tennessee from California this summmer . I was all over the place. Wonder if any ebayer in the south saw me. I was pretty bright.
Thanks GP for helping her and me when we all needed it.
A Torres

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