» Home » Auctions Events » 9-ball team to wear ads for GP 9-ball team to wear ads for GP
A 9-ball team, competing in the APA National Tournament in Las Vegas has agreed to be branded by GoldenPalace.com for the duration of their trip to the gambling center of the universe. The team itself consists of 6 members, and there will also be 4-5 others accompanying them on the trip, and all of them will be wearing Golden Palace Online Casino hats the entire time. The winning bid of $1,300.00 assures the online casino of maximum exposure during the 5-day tournament at the Riviera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas Nevada, from August 18th ?til August 22nd. The team and their guests have agreed to wear the hats from the time they leave their homes, through the airports on the way there, for the full duration of the tournament, as well as the whole trip back; getting maximum exposure for the trip. This won?t be the first time the seller?s husband, and captain of the 9-ball team, has taken a trip to the tournament. He?s been there 3 other times, and each time he?s come away with an autographed photo of the World 9-Ball Champion, Allison Fisher. This time, however, he?s willing to part with it and let the winning bidder have it as a special gift for winning the auction. One other thing the seller?s husband is willing to do, just to sweeten the deal a bit more, is to have his fresh cast emblazoned with the Online Casino?s logo for the entire time it?s on his leg. He recently broke his leg, and has just had a new cast put on, and it should be in place for another 6 weeks, so there?s even more to this advertising deal than is immediately apparent. And? what?s this? ? OK? This just in?. the 9-Ball team Captain, the one with the broken leg and the GoldenPalace.com logo on his cast will also have a GoldenPalace.com logo placed on the back of his rented wheelchair while at the Riviera Hotel and Casino. How could anyone ask for more advertising all in one package? The only thing missing is some kind of body tattoo? So now we?ve had the first ever 9-Ball Team to be used as a walking, talking billboard. This group of people from Ocala Florida is going to join the ranks of human advertising space purchased by the Online Casino recently. They?ll have the company of other families that have agreed to advertise for GoldenPalace.com while on a vacation or trip, or just going about their lives at home and work. There doesn?t seem to be a limit to what Golden Palace Online Casino will purchase from online auctions? maybe that?s because there?s no limit to what someone might decide to sell? You?ll just have to keep your eyes peeled for the next interesting eBay purchase? who knows what it might be. « Back to Auctions Events Main Page Comments on this event On August 25th, 2005 at 4:46 AM DANNA said: MORE PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT CAN BE SEEN AT MY WEBSITE:: www.ASKDANNA.com , just click on the GOLDEN PALACE PAGE and MORE will SOON BE ADDED! Blessings to the PALACE! Danna ... <><..... On August 27th, 2005 at 8:31 AM Theresa Babes said: Oh my gosh Babes you are a wheeler dealer just like your DADDY! He would be soooo proud!!! On August 27th, 2005 at 12:05 PM jean ratchford said: thought this was pretty funny...you spend your money wisely in the advertising division..you've made quite a name for yourselves in a short time!! I must hand it to you!! Good luck Jeanne ''ratchford Add a comment |
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