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Scott ?Kickyourace? Neumann, who has placed at the final table in the 2005 WSOP, will be sponsored by to the tune of $10,000.00 in the 2005 Borgata Open. The tournament will be held in Atlantic City from September 19th through the 22nd at the Borgata Hotel and Casino and will have Neumann wearing their logo for the duration of the tournament. He had already been sponsored for the $500.00 NL and $2500.00 NL events, and was looking to be sponsored for the $10,000.00 event, hence the eBay auction.

Scott will be wearing T-shirts and hats for the competition, and have the company logo on his card marker as well. He also says: ?In addition, I am willing to promote your company before to the event to make sure you get your moneys worth.? Sounds like a good deal! The event is televised worldwide and is attended by thousands of poker fans from all over the world. Scott has played poker since grade school and has used his winnings to pay for his college education. He says: ?I play 7 nights a week after work and have seats at almost every major online poker house under ?Kickyourace? or ?Forevervinyl?.?

Sounds like will be in the finals this year at the Borgata Open! We?ll have to keep our eyes on this tournament. Be sure to come back to the page after the tournament, and we?ll be sure to have an update on what went down.

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Comments on this event
On September 21st, 2005 at 12:08 AM Kickwhosace said:

And exactly how far did this "top 5%er" (as he claims he is) do...
On November 17th, 2005 at 11:05 PM Scott Neuman - Kickyourace said:

I made it to the second day. The first day was great. I played against three world series of poker champions. Joey Hachem and Carlos Mortenson and also David Singer and Barry Greenstein. I held my own or better against all of them. I did go out on the 2nd day but played the best game that my talent and the cards would allow. Plenty of other pros went out on the first day. made it onto Fox News with my image, jacket, hat and tattoo on my face and wrists(I love that tattoo, it just freaks the other players out).

What was really funny is that I went up to my room at the Borgata that night and played in a tournment online with 2300 other people and came in 4th place at 4:30am in the morning. This was after playing all day at the Borgata Open.

Then I entered the freeroll tournament for first timers on their site. I came in 18th out of 630. You can see my stats at In the last two months, I won a trip to the Aussie Million,

I won a 7 card stud tournament out of 400 people.

I came in 6th in a Omaha hi low tournament.

I came in 11th out of 435 in a NL Hold'em game, and I just came in fourth out of 163 in a NL Hold'em game. All the stats on are my site. I've made 24 final tables so far in tournament play.

I just want to thank all the folks at for giving me the chance to play for them at the Borgata Open. The entire team was a pleasure to work with. I look forward to working with them again. One of the key points of the promotion was that Lakewood Rotary Club of Rotary International was going to benefit if I did have a good win by receiving 10% of what I won. knew this and agreed to these terms.

I will be playing at the WSOP Tournament at the Atlantic City Showboat next month and also the World Series of Poker 2006 in Las Vegas. I'll be wearing my hat at the AC tournament so come over and say hi. And remember time I'm sponsored, ten percent of what I win will go to the Rotary International club of Lakewood for charity. Feel free to ask me any questions on this forum or about poker if you'd like. Like I say, On any given night, I can win. Good luck to you and go play some poker at I've played those people. You'll probably win. I did.

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